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Le Mariage de Figaro - Beaumarchais

Téléchargez gratuitement le livret pédagogique du Mariage de Figaro de Beaumarchais pour accompagner vos élèves dans l’étude de cette pièce emblématique du théâtre français.

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L'Épreuve de Marivaux, échanges sociaux et échanges amoureux



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L'Épreuve de Marivaux, échanges sociaux et échanges amoureux

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Le Colonel Chabert, un héros à l'épreuve du réalisme



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Le Colonel Chabert, un héros à l'épreuve du réalisme

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L'École des femmes - Molière

Téléchargez gratuitement le livret pédagogique pour accompagner vos élèves dans l’étude de cette pièce entre comique et tragique.

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A Prince Passes
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A Prince Passes

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, died on 9 April, after more than 70 years of marriage to Queen Elizabeth II. The longest serving consort of a British monarch was just a few months short of his 100th birthday.

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Henry VIII's Six Wives
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Henry VIII's Six Wives

King Henry VIII is such an overwhelming character in British history that his six wives tend to be reduced to a footnote of history. A new exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in London puts the women in the spotlight.

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Bigger Than Us
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Bigger Than Us

This inspiring documentary features teen activists around the world who see a problem and try to fix it. From Malawi to Colorado they are fighting pollution, opposing child marriage, supporting education, freedom of speech and sustainable agriculture and demanding rights for the planet and indigenous people. Melati Wijsen and her sister founded Bye Bye Plastic Bags, to fight the plastic waste which washes up in the shores of Indonesia when they were just 12 and 10. Filmmaker Flore Vasseur met Melati while making a documentary, and a few years on, the pair decided to meet other young people trying to help their communities and the planet. In Africa they met two young women. Memory Banda in Malawi ran a campaign to raise the minimum age for marriage from 15 to 18 to protect girls from forced marriages and encourage their families to continue their education. Winnie Tushabe has helped 900 Ugandan families learn new agricultural techniques to gain food security. Like much of the continent, their land had been damaged by pesticides and Winnie taught them to use permaculture to grow crops and protect the soil. At the age of 12, Mohammad Al Jaounde, a Syrian living with his family in a refugee camp in the Lebanon, created a school for children like him. Today it has 200 pupils (top photo) and Mohammad continues to run it virtually from Sweden, where he has found refuge. British teenager Mary Finn also helps refugees from Middle-East conflicts, arriving in Greece. She’s now training as a midwife to continue her humanitarian work. Rene Silva lives in a favela in Brazil. At age 11 he created Vos das Comunidas to allow his community to create and share its own news. It now employs 16 journalists and campaigns for freedom of expression. Xiuhtezcatl Martinez began campaigning as a young teen in Colorado on environmental issues. He’s also a talented rapper and keen to share his First Nations culture. He is one of a group of teens behind a group-action case asserting the U.S. government is flouting their rights by not protecting them from climate change. All of these stories make up the feature-length documentary Bigger Than Us. So many of us find the problems we see around us so enormous they seem insurmountable. It’s inspiring to watch these young people who see a problem and decide to try to fix it, not wait for grown-ups to come along and do the job! See our Ready-to-use resource on Xiuhtezcatl Martinez.   Watch the trailer Bigger Than Us On general release in cinemas The f ilm website gives lots of information about the different campaigners and their causes, and gives a link to contact each one. Could be a good class project!

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New Reading Guide: Pride and Prejudice
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New Reading Guide: Pride and Prejudice

As promised, our latest Reading Guide for Terminale LLCER, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, is at the printers and will be available in the middle of November.

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Queen Elizabeth II: Longest Reign
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Queen Elizabeth II: Longest Reign

Queen Elizabeth II is now officially Britain’s longest reigning monarch. On 9 September, 2015, she overtook Queen Victoria, who reigned for 63 years, seven months and two days, from 1837 to 1901.

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Judy Garland
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Judy Garland

Judy Garland was a child singing star and a global star of stage and screen. Her starring role in The Wizard of Oz at 17 made her a household name.  A new film stars Renée Zellweger playing Garland in the final year in her short life, when stardom and the Hollywood studio system had taken their toll. Like so many stars whose public image was moulded by the studios in Hollywood, Garland's real life was far from the glamour that made the covers of magazines. She was born Frances Ethel Gumm in 1922 in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Her parents were both vaudeville artists, and ran a vaudeville theatre, so the young Frances was on stage as soon as she could walk. She had an excellent singing voice and by age 10 was a child star, receiving rave reviews in Variety magazine. Soon after, she adopted the stage name Judy Garland. At age 13, she signed a contract with MGM, the biggest Hollywood studio. It was The Wizard of Oz that made her name internationally. The perennial favourite film has been seen by more people than any other in Hollywood history and "Over the Rainbow" became Garland's signature song and a jazz standard. Garland played Dorothy, an orphan, who is blown away in a tornado and finds herself in the magical Land of Oz, in glitzy Technicolor. Dorothy's quest to return home to Kansas will lead her to help a tin man, a cowardly lion and a scarecrow find what they most want in the world. https://youtu.be/i2zdYIF5DAY Garland was awarded a special miniature Oscar for “outstanding performance by a screen juvenile” for the role. Don't miss the televised lycée class on reading comprehension around a letter to Judy Garland. #continuitéPédagogique   Judy The new film is set in 1969. Garland has gone through four marriages. She has a daughter, Liza Minelli, and two younger children from her marriage with Sidney Luft. The film shows her broke and struggling with depression, touring to sing in London to try to provide for her children. Zellweger loved the possibility of having an in-depth look at Garland's life, rather than the wide fresco of a traditional biopic. "I thought there was an opportunity to explore something that isn't often considered when you're thinking about this larger than life personality - what it was that she delivered in her work and what it cost her. This was a period in her life when she was working because she needed to work, but physically needed to rest. Her voice, the thing that gives her value and self-worth, is also the thing that she's destroying in order to be able to take care of her children." https://youtu.be/iJ4mU3oQW3g

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Molière : 400 ans et pas une ride !
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Molière : 400 ans et pas une ride !

Par Claire Rouveron , professeure documentaliste dans l’académie de Limoges, membre de l’A.P.D.E.N. En janvier 1622 naissait Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, dit Molière. Les 400 ans de la naissance du plus renommé des comédiens et dramaturges français seront célébrés toute l’année en France. Un travail en co-enseignement entre le professeur de lettres et le professeur documentaliste avec les élèves de 4e, dans le cadre de l’objet d’étude « Vivre en société, participer à la société », est l’occasion d’organiser une exposition interactive sur Molière. Vie et œuvre Les élèves travaillent, avec leur professeur de français, un corpus de textes sur le questionnement « Individu et société : confrontation de valeurs ?» intégrant des scènes extraites des pièces Les Femmes savantes , L’Avare et Le Misanthrope . De ces études de textes émergent les thématiques abordées dans les œuvres : l’éducation et la place des femmes dans la société, le mariage arrangé et la sincérité amoureuse, le rapport à l’argent, l’hypocrisie de la vie en société, entre autres. Les professeurs de français et documentaliste optent pour une exposition thématique sur Molière. Ainsi, les élèves sont répartis en groupes et travaillent sur les panneaux suivants : la vie de Molière, les 10 pièces incontournables, les citations « chocs » extraites des pièces de Molière, les adaptations phares des œuvres du dramaturge, les thématiques des trois œuvres précitées. Les élèves vont donc mener des recherches documentaires afin de constituer un corpus de documents textuels, iconographiques, sonores et visuels afin de rendre l’exposition interactive, grâce à des QR Codes. Et avant tout parce que le théâtre est fait pour être représenté, mis en scène et joué. Le professeur documentaliste travaille plus précisément la notion de besoin d’information et la formulation de mots-clés ciblés. La construction de parcours de lecture En complément des œuvres de Molière, les élèves proposent également des parcours de lecture sur les thématiques identifiées en intégrant des œuvres de fiction contemporaines, des ouvrages documentaires et des ressources vidéos. Ainsi, dans J’ai 14 ans et ce n’est pas une bonne nouvelle de Jo Witek, la situation vécue par Efi, la narratrice, entre en résonance avec celle d’Élise qui refuse d’épouser Anselme, le barbon de L’Avare . Les ouvrages documentaires Filles et Garçons, la parité et L’Égalité filles-garçons : pas bête traitent de la question de l’accès difficile à l’éducation pour les filles dans certaines parties du monde. Des adaptations biographiques et bibliographiques en bandes dessinées, albums et mangas sur Molière compléteront le corpus. NOTION INFO-DOCUMENTAIRE : Le besoin d’information vient du constat d’un manque de connaissances sur un sujet particulier, et donne lieu à un questionnement sur les moyens pour trouver des informations. La définition du besoin d’information et le questionnement permettent la formulation de mots clés . https://tinyurl.com/besoin-info BIBLIOGRAPHIE THÉMATIQUE Le mariage arrangé ou forcé - Louis Atangana, Chambre 27 , Editions du Rouergue, 2003 - Charlotte Bousquet, Le jour où je suis partie , Flammarion, 2017 - Janine Bruneau, La Petite Mariée , Milan, 2008 - Jo Witek, J’ai 14 ans et ce n’est pas une bonne nouvelle , Actes sud junior, 2021 La condition féminine et l’égalité filles-garçons - Des filles et des garçons , éditions Thierry Magnier, 2007 - Raphaële Frier, Aurélia Fronty, Malala : pour le droit des filles à l’éducation , Rue du Monde, 2015 - Carina Louart, Pénélope Paicheler, Filles et Garçons, la parité , Actes Sud junior, 2010 - Sandra Laboucarie, Stéphanie Duval, L’Égalité filles-garçons : pas bête , Bayard Jeunesse, 2019 Pour aller plus loin Chronique littéraire : Georges Forestier, Molière Molière, Le Médecin Malgré lui Molière, Les Fourberies de Scapin Molière, Monsieur de Pourceaugnac Molière, L'École des femmes

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Irish Author Edna O'Brien Honoured
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Irish Author Edna O'Brien Honoured

Her books were once considered so scandalous that they were banned in Ireland, but at age 90, The Country Girls author Edna O'Brien received the honour of being declared a Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by French Culture Minister Roselyne Bachelot on 7 March. O'Brien has been prolific since the first of The Country Girls trilogy was published in 1960. Written in just three weeks, it was an outpouring of the frustration of being brought up in the strict, stifling atmosphere of rural, Catholic Ireland. O'Brien was born in 1930 in small town County Clare. By the time she wrote her first novel, she had studied pharmacy in Dublin, scandalously married an older, divorced man, and moved to London to further his literary career. It turned out that she was the writing talent in the family, and the marriage didn't survive her success. In the first book of the trilogy, Kate and Baba are expelled from convent school and set out to find love and excitement in Dublin. Over the course of the following two books, they will have generally unsatisfying sexual encounters and make marriages that are no more successful (the title of the third book is clearly ironic: Girls in Their Married Bliss (1964). In the 1960s, Ireland was still under the thumb of the Catholic church, and "girls" were meant to become pure and faithful mothers and wives, not independent women. The books were banned, as were several of her later works. But for a generation of young women, sneaking in contraband copies, they were a revelation, a vision of a life that seemed a million miles away from their reality. https://youtu.be/LzKdKo5VyfQ?t=87 Portrait of the Artist O'Brien says she had an appropriately epiphanic moment when she first read James Joyce, and knew she had to be a writer. One of the younger generation of Irish writers, Eilís Ní Dhuibhne, dubs The Country Girls The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman , a coming-of-age novel to rival Joyce's own. Like Joyce, she has spent her adult life outside Ireland but constantly drawn to write about it. To many Irish readers, she is the chronicler of their experience and society, over 28 books as well as short stories, plays, biographies and screenplays. And then, in her late eighties, O'Brien suddenly decided to tackle a topic of which she had no direct knowledge. She was so moved by the fate of the  Nigerian schoolgirls who were abducted by Boko Haram in Chibok in 2014 that she devoted her 2018 novel Girl to the story. Not one to be put off by difficulties, she made two arduous trips to the country to meet the released schoolgirls and the people working to help them overcome their trauma. The result is the story of young woman who is forced to bear the child of one of her abductors. When she manages to escape, she has to find a way to love the baby. As O'Brien accepted her award on 7 March, there was still much of the spark of indignation at the fate of women in the world. The many authors and fans who paid tribute to her work expressed the hope that she will continue to surprise them with her words. Like everything else these days, the ceremony took place on line. The Cercle Littéraire Irlandais , which hosted the event, has made a video available for 30 days, with the award by the Culture Minister, O'Brien's acceptance speech and warm tributes from the likes of author Collum McCann and actor Gabriel Byrne. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weZFZedDr8k  

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Remembering Jane Austen
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Remembering Jane Austen

Two hundred years after her death, Jane Austen remains one of Britain's best-loved authors. Yet in her short lifetime, she was unknown.

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